Skirt,lamb chops,onglet,pancetta, Salad & corn , Muscat & pin berries..


Is that just a random collection of words? 


It was a flavour feast! 

First off,  the small bit of onglet chopped with pancetta threaded onto bamboo skewers olive oil and Lebanese herbs to flavour.. 



They made the most wonderful little ‘pinchos’.. 👍

The lamb chops were marinated in .. (Ready…).. 

Fresh garden Rosemary & mint, lemon rind, Bristol blend pepper, A splash of golden malt vinegar, pomegranate molasses.. Red chilli, red onion, crunchy sea salt, French purple garlic, olive oil and other things.. Look how pretty it is!! 


A Chimchurri whizzed up of course! Curly and flat parsley, oregano, mint, salt, Turkish red pepper, red wine vinegar and olive oil.. 


Serious sauce that!

Smothered onto skirt steak.. Even better!! 


The addition of cumin makes this rock! 

It’s also the start of the very short lived jersey royal potato season. These dirty spuds are the bizness.. 


Simply boiled and added to a bed of herbs with French butter.. 


When potatoes are as wonderfully yummy scrumptious as these it makes you smile.. (Well it does me anyways!)..

Now that’s a heap of stuff that needs attention.. Fire .. 


A selection of woods from that amazing seasoned wood selection that my attorney sent me for my birthday.. 


It just smells so good .. 

The corn was grilled on there too..  

A salad was chopped up.. And dressed with newmans ranch.. 

All plated .. 


It was a riot (in a good riot kinda way!).. Of flavours.. Somehow all getting along yet standing up for themselves.. 

And pudding? 

Muscat grapes and pinberries.. Pinberries are very cool .. 





Categories: Cows, Dinners/Suppers, Lambs, Pigs, previous posts, Recipes

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11 replies

  1. I want pineberries!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. What a great marinade, it certainly does look pretty, even if the meat is raw 😉 Thanks for sharing with FF#65

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Those lamb chops are off the hook! They look so damn tasty. It all looks so damn tasty. Anything with good chimichurri is damn tasty, right?

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Reading you is a riot in a good sort of way! Have to say all my attorneys have ever given me were bills! You are a lucky man. Happy b day. This meal rocks. You must have an amazing repertoire of spices to work your magic.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Hi Fitz, I’ve scaled down my bloglife including blogs I follow but very happy to report I am always eager to still see what you are cooking. I am very curious about these pinberries . . . . they look like an albino strawberry and so I wonder if they taste like strawberry. That sauce you made looks bomb as well as the potatoes, so simple but with butter herbs and salt what more do you need? Oh, yeah, a burger of course.! Cheers!


    • Hey Sue, very happy I am one of the chosen few! These Pinberries are great! They are intense strawberry -esque.. I think much nicer! Brand new to me.. I do wonder if they get any bigger. Mrs Fitz called them albino strawbs too!!



  1. pomegranate molasses lamb chops | Cooking with Mr Fitz

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