Keema spring rolls 

with a fabulous Mrs Fitz keema in the depths of the deep freeze .. And some leftover sheets from the Asian superstore .. Well what else is it going to be right?!


Adding more peppers (they needed using!).. 

And then rolling up… 

(This pic just in case you don’t know what a ‘roll’ looks like! Ahem..)

And frying off in Mrs middletons oil in uncle bens wok.. ( still surviving!).. 


A wee bit of salad .. Pomegranate sour sauce.. Yoghurt and mint sauce.. Sweet chilli sauce.. 

Yes indeedydoodle !


Have been thinking about this .. 

You could pretty much use anything! 

They are fabulous!!

So I have been asked why there is not so many posts at the moment… 

We have been catering real hard! It’s been a real fast start to this public malarkey! 

I didn’t get to cook this sheep… 




Categories: Dinners/Suppers, previous posts, Random.., Recipes

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7 replies

  1. Yup office parties… pop up in their carparks.. Breakfasts… lunches.. post work thankyous!


  2. looks amazing! you are catering now? What have I missed, must go read the older posts


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