Easter BBQ time (first of the year)

In the mighty song words of don jennon.. So this is Easter…

(Was superceded by the much more popular Beatle boy who changed it to a more defined Christian holiday..😉)..

Anyhoo it’s ‘alam’ eating time.. 

Thanks to my good pal Ben I scored some excellent one year and one week old lamb.. it’s not the lamb actually in the picture.. yet from the same herd.. (Do sheep come in herds?).. Well they definitely come in packs!!!


Spring lamb cries out for simple tasty seasonings I reckon.. And what better than to pick up some wild garlic whilst out with the hounds? 

That’s the wild garlic to the left of the picture.. 

So taken back home.. Happy out!

Mashed up with some fresh garden Rosemary, dried oregano, dried thyme, velvet thick balsamic ,flaky sea salt and pimped up Mrs middletons chilli oil .. 

 It smells amazing!!! 

I have left in the fridge this little piece of blythburgh piggy, a lovely bit of tenderloin.. It wouldbe great butterflies and grilled.. Do damn tasty this most excellent free range pork.. it makes for a wonderful pincho for the salad.. 

a simple rubesque of smoked paprika, pimped Mrs middletons chilli oil and that’s it..

Baked potatoes will be our starch and no chef ping to assist.. Going old school full on in the oven misted with olive oil and sprinkled with fine salt.. To be scooped out and mashed up with seasoning and unsalted French butter.. sans cheese for moi..


Now then ..


 Umm yes you may notice here that it looks rather ‘night time ish’ 

Well it’s still spring right? The clocks haven’t moved and all that.. So yes it did indeed get dark.. 

It ain’t stopping this chap though! Oh no Jose no way! That’s why we got those security flood lights 😉


The pork skewer cooked up perfect.. and added into the salad ..


A little French dressing to ramp it up a bit..

And the lamb charred nicely.. with some extra velvet balsamic to jhuzz it a little.. 


I have to admit it myself. This was indeed a crackalackin meal.. 

Happy lambs weekend..


Categories: Dining out & about, Dinners/Suppers, Lambs, Pigs, previous posts, Recipes

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7 replies

  1. This sounds like an absolutely perfect Easter meal. Thanks for sharing it at Fiesta Friday. Have a wonderful weekend!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Haha love it that the fact it was dark wasn’t putting you off! I think sheep are a flock rather than a herd. I can’t stand the smell of lamb cooking and I can’t eat it, but I know my hubby would have thought this meal was delicious. Happy Easter weekend!!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. As Joe Cocker said, don’t get hung up about Easter. Have a good one.xx

    Sent from my iPad


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