Pulled pork with peppers & onions & chimchurri

it’s been a while since we had pulled pork.. Or in real terms just really slowed cooked pork till its flaky tender! 🐷

So this just under a kilo of red ticket free Hampshire free range shoulder, boned and rindless is a perfect candidate for the role of porky perfection.. And will provide at least three suppers-worth of porkyliciousness.. 

Ok perhaps not complete perfection  yet darn close to it.. Red onions in the bottom to raise it from the pan , with some bay, and some great ‘donated’ seasoning powder.. a little water too..

That’s cooked for around four hours.. On 150 degrees real money.. Till you think it’s ruined.. 


It’s not ruined at all. It’s perfect! 

Take it out.. Although to save dishes it’s probably far more sensible to rough it up in the same pan! It will just fall apart.. 


Adding the end of a tub of roasted peppers , the onions from the pan.. all the juices amd some smuggled Irish seasoning.. (Although anything will do.. BBQ sauce, soy, anything!).. 

It’s truly tasty tasty tasty.. Unless you don’t dig swine.. 

Now the chimchurri.. As you are probably aware we love this stuff! 

A quick one in how this batch was made.. 

Lots of parsley, oregano, coriander, garlic, chilli, a hit of cumin.. Red onion too not all of it..


All blitzed up adding plenty of olive oil and red wine vinegar..


And that’s it! You will know when it tastes right. 

So this pulled pork is piled into baguette that has had most of its doughy middle ripped out.. Less bread.. More meat..  

And of course a spread of chimchurri ..!




Categories: Dinners/Suppers, Pigs, previous posts, Recipes

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16 replies

  1. As a feminist I have real issues with the term ‘foodporn’, but this post made me go ‘yes yes yes!’ all the way through. I’d say it’s the bed of red onions that clinched it for me.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. You know I want that! Reminds me of a party I did once and had a whole pig on a spit and served it on rolls with slaw and chimmichurri. So good 👍

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This looks fantastic! I’ll have to try it out.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I love pulled pork, I don’t ever make pork at home, but if a sandwich is anywhere close to me I don’t hesitate, this looks very nice indeed!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Beautiful roast and sauce! I bet it was just jumping with flavor!

    Liked by 1 person


  1. Pulled pork tacos..  | Cooking with Mr Fitz

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