Barnsley chops with brown rice miso butter

Behold the Barnsley chop.. !!

That wonderful although very honest when you look at it double chop from the nicest of lambs .. You can see how it sits on the back of the animal.. A thick double chop.. Don’t be fooled into those skinny Barnsley boys.. These need to be chunky..

I like to come them slowly .. Frying away in the pan fat side down fir most of the time for rendering and crisping.. Occasionally letting them fall over to cook the bone and meat in its own rendered gooey goodness.. And oh my goodness are these lovely!

Once almost done.. And I am saying almost an hour on the gas top.. Smear with organic brown rice miso .. ( simply because I still cannot find that jar of white I swear I bought a few weeks back..humph..) & place a disk of wonderful unsalted French butter on top.. Let the natural warmth of the meat ( natural? Really?).. Melt it all down.. flip them once and a splash of Worcestershire .. this is serious meaty eaty..

Went to visit me ol’ pal Jack to trade some black sable grapes for some spuds and beetroots.. Straight outta the soil..

Washed and simply boiled, a small bit of butter some white pepper and a scratching of Himalayan pink salt .. Father Fitz woulda loved them! We certainly did!!

Petit pois as the obligatory veg . With the addition of white wine vinegar it does lift them!!

A seriously good meaty supper.. And with those spuds!! Jack we may need to talk… They are sublime! IMG_7082.JPG





Categories: Dinners/Suppers, Lambs, previous posts, Recipes

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25 replies

  1. I’ve got to adopt the miso habit. Your recipes really are very inspiring.


  2. Wow! That looks fantastic!


  3. Oh that looks like heaven! Perfectly browned lamb chops and brown rice miso butter, it has to be tried! What a brilliant idea! 🙂


  4. Lamb chops 🙂 My favorite food from childhood. Yumm….


  5. Great idea to add the miso! I’d give you my jar of white but I can’t quite remember where I put it


  6. What a beautiful plate. This looks just delicious!


  7. I’ve never heard of a Barnsley chop! Learning all the time in blogworld 🙂 thank you for another great offering for Fiesta Friday 🙂


  8. Very nice. That’s my kinda lamby dinner right there!! 🙂



  1. Meals with Mom | Fiesta Friday #34 | The Novice Gardener

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