Corned beef hash

I think this is one of those dishes you love or hate.. Or bear with!

It’s a classic.. Mention it in a pub and you should get nodding looks.. Nods of memories fond or foe..

Mind you .. I very aware of some pubs in the ‘artisan’ world that charge a fortune for it with a runny poached egg!! I always find that funny.. Those dishes that were cheap and deliciously comforting .. And they charge a very pretty shiny penny for them !

Anyways.. Back to lunch..

Opening the can ( that we must have owned for over five years !) caused that wonderful problem of foods gone by.. The flippin key slipped off !!

Humph! Had to improvise.. Health and safety would have had a field day!!

So to start I shall make this dish on honour of a few pals.. Me good pal Thomas as he resides in the valleys of wales and they love corned beef , me pal Ramsay as I know for sure he digs corned beef.. I recall a egg white and corned beef omelette he makes.. Do you still make that rams? And my attorney .. He’s kinda welsh and I reckon he would dig this.. And my Father.. As corned beef and chips used to be one of his bestest meals!

Right.. Oscar speech over..

Using a bag of cabbage and leeks.. Chef ping helped out .. Then chopped.. leftover boiled spuds from the other day .. chopped.. and the corned beef .. finally chopped!

All into the pan with a glug of olive oil.. a dash of mushroom ketchup.. another old timer

This is one of those dishes like bubble and squeak that I think needs lots of cooking.. You need it all to render and crisp a little..

When you get bored of it cooking.. (sure it would make a wicked supper with a poached egg and some beans.. )

Simply eat out of the pan.. Or if Mrs Fitz is watching.. Eat out of a bowl..

Of course with a dollop of ketchup .. And of course that RED ketchup needs to be….








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32 replies

  1. brilliant comfort food! I want this right now. Of course it has to be with brown sauce for me 🙂


  2. Yum! You have inspired me to make corned beef hash this week for sure! The one I had growing up was very different to most people’s corned beef has but was my favourite dinner!


  3. oh man, does this look wicked good! I want some NOW! 🙂 I WILL try this! Enjoyed your writing! Keep up the good work! 🙂


  4. Yum …My Mom used to make Corn beef Hash when I was a little girl, I don’t know how she made it though. I have not had this in years …


  5. ‘just eat out of the pan’ sounds like my kind of dish! I’ve often heard of corn beef hash but never knew what was in it, thank you for the lesson ☺️ Enjoy this weeks Fiesta Friday


  6. Oh, we love corned beef hash! In fact, this is our comfort food. The only person who doesn’t like it in our house is the daughter. She’s never liked meat all that much, especially ground. Yah, I know. Strange, as we love our sausages, meatballs, and hot dogs. She’s more of a pasta and veggie gal. 🙂


    • Glad you are a fan.. (i kept some more for breakfast,,) Don’t worry Novice Gardener I reckon she will grow out of it…!!! You could always send her over here for ‘summer meat camp’… heh heh hee


  7. I love corned beef hash — however, I’ve never made it out of a can. I’ve used corned beef brisket cut up. A little more lengthy of a process 😉


  8. Could not agree more! Yum!



  1. Fiesta Friday #22 | The Novice Gardener

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