BBQ burgers & spuds

Looking in the fridge revealed a couple of things, a few burgers that needed eating.. Along with four of those delicious jersey royals already cooked..

Well that says it gotta be weber time!

Seasoned the patties with creole seasoning and left until the coals were hot enough.. Didn’t do the BBQ breads as thanks to the warburton family we have a few sandwich thins need eating,..

A fresh salsa was required though.. I like to squeeze the baby plum tomatoes in the bin so they lose most if their seeds and water.. I do suggest trying this. Yet it really must be done in the bin!

Chopped shallot, lemon juice, garlic and chilli salt and chopped jalepenos provided the lip smacking salsa.. Oh and a splash of cider vinegar .

Coals hot enough now.. It’s great to be able to grill outdoors again. C’mon summer! (Or at least stay dry..)

Spuds took the longest. just heating them through really.. assembled burgers.. Snaffled whilst watching telly.. Superb! 20140603-073434-27274954.jpg






Categories: Dinners/Suppers, previous posts, Recipes

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10 replies

  1. Yuuuuuuuuuum!


  2. Yum! Ok, now I’m hungry. Time to break for lunch! 😛


  3. aweSOME!!! Looks so good! Jersery rolls? I have to find those. A foldover flatbread?


  4. looks like you enjoyed the Mr Fitz!


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